About Us

About Us

Mission Statement

We aim to provide experienced Education Leadership to supplement your school’s administrative staff on a per diem basis. Our goal is to assist schools on days when school leaders deem that extra administrative support is necessary for main events, development of special disciplinary incentive or curricular innovation programs, building coverage, teacher coaching, mentoring, professional development, committee monitoring, observations, fitness fundraisers, and more. We offer a variety of services to support, strengthen, and enrich the educational experience for students, staff, and the school administration.

Philosophy of Add Admin Plus:

Adding a skilled administrator from outside the school district on a per diem basis:
• Creates a buddy system to strengthen new leaders
• Provides an objective perspective of the job task at hand
• Relieves in-house competitive anxiety among educators and among educational leaders.


Meet Dr. Janice-Lynn Shuhan (CEO & Founder)

It gives me great pride to introduce a company that serves school districts and educational leaders. Where other supplemental education agencies and organizations offer professional development for teachers, we extend our reach to uniquely include a professionally-certified administrative buddying and relief-system for educational leaders. Our company operates on a one-on-one (per diem) basis to assist in the day-to-day coverage and responsibilities of the school administrative team.

We believe there are many areas of assistance we can offer your school district, administrators, teachers, and Board of Education. From having a certified administrator present to assist with additional coverage during special events to a qualified set of eyes and hands ready to help bring you up to speed with commitments, observations, evaluations, and disciplinary paperwork. Add Admin Plus also offers teacher coaching, brainstorming innovative school program development, creative ideas for math curriculum innovation and theatre arts program improvement. We seek to help enhance the ‘view from the top,’ which systematically affects the staff, and ultimately affects the students.

Our per diem and/or hourly fees are very reasonable and the only prerequisites of our service is to provide a pdf or hardcopy of your school disciplinary code and a physical tour of your schedule of commitments. To get started simply fill out our Contact Form describing the type of assistance you are seeking. We look forward to providing you with the assistance that best fits your impending needs.

Click here to view Janice-Lynn's resume.